PC Roofing

Lower Cost - Polycarbonate panels are cheaper and lighter than materials such as glass. Lighter roofing needs a lighter framing than glass roofing; such as wood, aluminum etc. This reduces the costs of materials and installation.

Higher Flexibility - Polycarbonate sheets have much more flexibility than glass or metal. Therefore, it can be molded into several shapes such as a dome or an igloo. The flexibility allows creative designing.

Greater Transmission of Light - Polycarbonate roofing transmits more light compared with other materials used in a greenhouse, such as polyethylene film. A 6-mm double wall panel transmits about 85% of all available light.

Higher Impact Resistance - Polycarbonate roofing has a high impact resistance and low flammability rate. Chances of breakage during assembly and transportation are low. In a rare episode of breakage, polycarbonate fragments are not as dangerous as glass shards.

Greater Insulation - Double paneled polycarbonate roofing provides extra insulation. Polycarbonate roofing is either single or multi-layer. The number of walls separated by air is determined by the use of the roofing. The air between the layers of sheeting reduces heat loss and provides insulation.